Opening Prayer
God our loving Father,
grant wisdom to those who govern us,
compassion and courage
to those who work to defend human life,
and safety and care to every human being.
For you alone who formed us in our mothers’ wombs,
and who call us home to heaven,
are God, for ever and ever. Amen.
(from the the USCCB website: A Holy Hour For Life: Prayers Before The Blessed Sacrament For The Gospel Of Life)
Scripture Reading:
Matthew 2: 13-23
If we are made in the Image of God,when does life begin? The following video offers us an understanding about the beginning of life.
Catechesis video questions:
K-6 grade
Domestic Church – the family
Witness video questions:
k-6 grade –
Domestic Church – the family
Action Steps:
k-6 Grade
Domestic Church – the family
Closing Prayer
Angel of God
My guardian dear
To Whom His love
Commits me here
Ever this day
Be at my side
To light and guard
To rule and guide. Amen
(***Note to teachers leading discussion: avoid pressuring students who have been adopted or have family members who have been adopted/in foster care from sharing their story unless they volunteer. Privacy is important to families, especially when it comes to the topic of adoption and foster care***)
When Jesus was a little child King Herod, afraid of what Jesus might do when he grew up, ordered all of the children of Bethlehem to be killed. Thankfully, Jesus escaped to Egypt with his mom and dad. Let’s pray together and learn how we can love every person more, no matter how young or small they are.
Intercessory Prayers: Children – born and unborn
Adoption Intercessory Prayers (bilingüe)
Catechism 2327 to 2379 “The Gift of a Child”