Recordings of Past Adult Evangelization and Formation Initiative Events
"Come and See" Virtual Sessions These virtual sessions that were held at the beginning of May 2024 were opportunities for pastoral leaders to hear about why this initiative is being undertaken, receive an overview of the vision articulated in the Framework document, and ask questions. The PowerPoint is accessible HERE. Below are the session recordings. The content of both presentations is basically the same, but the sharing at the end of each session is different.
"Explore and Engage" In Person Day This event was held on Tuesday, May 21 at Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church in Waterloo. It. was an opportunity for pastoral leaders to take a deeper dive into the principles and vision articulated in the Framework for Adult Evangelization and Formation document and discuss action steps with the task group members and other pastoral leaders. The PowerPoint is accessible HERE. Below are the recordings from the day.
The Eucharistic Revival Year of Mission and Walk with One Initiative - Fr. Joseph Sevcik After the National Eucharistic Congress in July, we have entered into the third year of the Eucharistic Revival, which is the Year of Mission. Walk With One is the flagship initiative of the Year of Mission, calling and guiding individuals to personally accompany others in discipleship. This virtual session took place on Thursday, September 19. Fr. Joseph Sevcik, the archdiocesan point person for the Eucharistic Revival, presented on implementing the Year of Mission and Walk With One initiative at your parish, especially as it coincides with the archdiocesan Adult Evangelization and Formation initiative.
How to Foster Missionary Discipleship in Your Parish - Kristin Bird The "Process of Evangelization" section of the Framework for Adult Evangelization and Formation utilizes the discipleship methodology from the USCCB's Living as Missionary Disciples document that is articulated with four elements: Encounter, Accompaniment, Community, and Mission. Kristin Bird, from Burning Hearts Disciples ministry, has a breadth of experience speaking and consulting with parish leaders on that methodology. At this virtual session held on Thursday, October 17,Kristin shared insights on how to foster those four elements in your parish.
Four Models of Parish-Based Evangelization - Susan Windley-Daoust In her book, The Four Ways Forward: Becoming an Apostolic Parish in a Post-Christian World, Susan Windley-Daoust, from the Mark 5:19 Project,articulates four models of parish-based evangelization: 1) Radical hospitality and proclamation; 2) The practice of spiritual multiplication; 3) Organizational mission (re)focus; and 4) Highlighting divine signs and wonders in our midst. She shows that for evangelization efforts to be effective and fruitful, parishes need to embrace at least three of the four models. At this virtual session, held on Thursday, November 21, Susan shared how to implement the four models and be "an apostolic parish in a post-Christian world."
"Building a Clear Path of Discipleship in Your Parish" - Jim Jansen The mission of the Church is to make disciples, but how do we do that in a parish setting? In his book, A Clear Path: How to Make Missionary Disciples in Your Parish, Jim Jansen provides practical guidance for how to build a clear path to discipleship in a parish. Jim draws from his experience as a coach and consultant for parish leaders, along with his past work as a FOCUS missionary and his present work for the Archdiocese of Omaha. At this virtual session, held on Thursday, December 12, Jim shared how to develop pathways of missionary discipleship in your parish.