As Catholics we believe that Marriage is a covenant by which a man and a woman establish a partnership of the whole of their lives. Catholics believe that marriage is a total, exclusive, faithful, fruitful, life-long bond – even if neither person is baptized.
We believe all marriages have a character about them known as indissolubility – a bond until death. While civil separations and divorces may settle issues such as custody and care of children, division of property, and financial support, civil powers cannot set aside this life-long bond.
The Church also acknowledges that some marriages do not endure despite a couple’s best effort. To the many separated and divorced people the Church must bring the justice, compassion, acceptance and understanding that they need to reconcile their pain and to rebuild their lives. Our Church ministers to divorced persons, providing a source of justice and compassion through the office of the Archdiocesan Tribunal.
Learn more about the annulment process in our brochure, The Invalidity of Marriage.