Most Rev. Michael O. Jackels, Archbishop Emeritus
1229 Mt. Loretta Ave.
Dubuque, IA 52003
Appointed the 10th Bishop of the Diocese of Wichita on January 28, 2005, by Pope John Paul II, Bishop Michael O. Jackels (pronounced JAKE-uhls) was ordained at the Church of the Magdalen on Monday, April 4, 2005. Prior to leading the Diocese of Wichita, Bishop Jackels worked for the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in Rome for eight years under Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI.
Michael O. Jackels
Born: April 13, 1954 in Rapid City, South Dakota
Ordained: May 30, 1981
Appointed bishop of Wichita: January 28, 2005 by Pope John Paul II
Appointed as Archbishop of Dubuque: April 8, 2013
Installed as Archbishop: May 30, 2013
Retired: April 4, 2023
Priesthood assignments: