This page serves as a resource to parishes/clusters, schools, and related organizations of the Archdiocese of Dubuque who wish to provide timely archdiocesan content on their websites.
All locations that participate in the Archdiocese + eCatholic program can find this content by logging into their eCatholic website and first clicking on the "Add Content" button in the bottom left corner of a web browser and then clicking on "Shared" in the navigation above the images.
Those locations that do not have an eCatholic website can make use of the images and hyperlinks below.
If you have questions or comments about the content shared through eCatholic's "Shared" content function, please contact Deacon John Robbins, Archdiocesan Communications Director, at 563-556-2580 or [email protected].
Thank you for your partnership in advancing our collective website and communication efforts from "maintenance mode" to "mission mode."
- Deacon John Robbins image link for your home page:
Our friends and partners in mission at eCatholic have provided graphics to help holiday travelers easily celebrate our communal faith and receive the sacraments.
Messages from the Catholic bishops of Iowa:
This image/link is available in the "Shared" section of the "Add Content" editing feature for eCatholic clients.
It is also available as an image that can be inserted into any website: click here to download. Make sure the image links to this page: