Office of the Archbishop
1229 Mt. Loretta Ave.
Dubuque, Iowa 52003
Phone (319)556-2580
FAX (319)556-5464
Archdiocese of Dubuque
In December, 1988, I announced the reactivation of the Medical-Moral Commission. The purpose of this commission is to articulate and promote Catholic moral values in health care within the Archdiocese of Dubuque and to provide assistance to the Catholic community in dealing with bioethical matters.
To this end the commission has prepared this handbook: CHURCH TEACHING ON HEALTH CARE ETHICS: A HANDBOOK OF POLICIES FOR THE ARCHDIOCESE OF DUBUQUE. I have reviewed and approved the guidelines contained within this document and offer it to you for your instruction and guidance. While doing this, I am very aware that this hand- book is only a first step in what must be a conscientious ongoing effort on our part to understand and articulate the principles that guide us as we respond to critical medical-moral issues.
The Medical-Moral Commissiion of the Archdiocese and its chair, Dr. Janine Idziak, have provided an exceptional and needed service in discussing, compiling and writing these guidelines. They are to be complimented and thanked for this excellent work. The commission will continue its research and deliberation to keep us abreast of the fast-developing area of human life.
It is my hope that these policy statements will serve as a resource for all of our people who are involved prefessionally or personally in medical-moral decisions. May they assist us to be faithful to the mission and ministry of Jesus.
“I came that you might have life and
have it to the full.” Jn. 10:10
(Most Rev.) Daniel W. Kucera, O.S.B.
Archbishop of Dubuque
January, 1990