What Is A Catechist
This brochure details frequently asked questions about teaching in a faith formation program, highlights the spirituality that is generated in a catechetical setting and explains some of the responsibilities of a catechist. You can personalize the brochure with your name, parish email address and phone number. Send the flyers home in the bulletin or a newsletter or distribute them at up-coming parish meetings. The brochure was designed to help you recruit interested and willing individuals to share the stories of their faith with others.
The Archdiocese of Dubuque has joined with the Franciscan University’s Catechetical Institute in the quest to “form those who form others.” Just go to our landing page at https://franciscanathome.com/archdiocese-dubuque to learn more From this page you will be able to access the workshops they have developed to assist in your formation as you minister in the Church. There are several tracks from which you may choose based on your ministry in the parish or the Catholic school.