1. Engage Parents with a Bulletin Announcement
Connect your Graduating Seniors with Catholic Campus Ministry
Did you know that Campus Ministry is one of the strongest ways to form highly faithful young adults? One of the best things you can do for teens who are moving on to college is to connect them with a College Campus Ministry. Parents, reach out to the Catholic Student Center where your child will be attending and let them know she/he is coming.
2. Assist your teens in building a connection
Step 1: Find out where your teens are going to college
Option A: Host a Baccalaureate Mass or a Senior Acknowledgement
Invite graduating seniors to RSVP for a Mass in their honor. In that RSVP have them indicate which college they may be attending (and if it's okay to share their personal contact information... especially cell phone number... with the campus ministry). Then, celebrate their graduation as a faith community.
Option B: Sample Bulletin Announcement
Help Us Connect your Graduating Senior with Catholic Campus Ministry
Did you know that Campus Ministry is one of the strongest ways to form highly faithful young adults? One of the best things you can do for teens who are moving on to college is to connect them with a College Campus Ministry. If someone you love is heading off to college in the fall, we want to help them connect with college campus ministry. Send your student’s name, cell number, and email to [insert youth contact at parish] and we will let their Catholic Student Center know they’re coming.
Option C: Host a “What’s Next” gathering for high school seniors. This gathering could provide resources for teens who are going to college and for those who are staying in the area and ready to become more engaged at the parish. Ask them to share their plans with you at this event.
Option D: Send a quick survey to celebrate your graduating seniors. See a sample survey (Senior Spotlight) here.
Step 2: Compile a list of which students are heading to which college.
Step 3: Reach out to the Catholic Campus Ministry at that school and share your teens’ contact information with them. (Campus Ministry information can be found on the “Catholic Campus Ministry in Iowa” brochure. (see below)
3. Build a connection with College Campus Ministry and your Youth Ministry
Option A. Work with a college campus ministry near you to schedule a day long retreat where your teens can visit campus and see what campus ministry will be like for them.
Option B. Invite a college campus ministry near you to meet with your teens (virtually or in person) to help them explore what campus life is like and how to integrate their faith in their college experience.
Option C. Encourage former teens who have gone off to college recently to share witness talks about what being a faith-filled Catholic at college is like. You can do this when they are home from college on break.