People often say, “Imagine how boring the world would be if we were all the same!” They’re right. We were created as a diverse people. We were given different skills and strengths so that we would recognize our need for one another and appreciate our individuality. In our world, differences are often used as a means to create distance between us. But God intends for his people to come together, to imitate Jesus’ ministry of inclusion - or rather, ministry against exclusion. This continues to be the guiding principle of Disability Inclusion
advocacy in the Archdiocese of Dubuque. We dedicate this ministry to the inclusion and participation of all parish children, youth, and adults with disabilities within the Church community.
Disability Inclusion advocacy in the Archdiocese of Dubuque serves as a resource to parishes, schools, diocesan offices and individuals for the inclusion of people with disabilities in all aspects of the faith community. This ministry continually evaluates how to enhance outreach to persons with disabilities by identifying ways to broaden inclusion efforts within parishes. In collaboration with other Archdiocesan offices, Disability Inclusion promotes the Culture of Life that respects the dignity, worth, gifts and talents of every human person.
A printable brochure with additional information about Disability Inclusion Ministry and Advocacy is available through the Archdiocese of Dubuque.
Brochures are available in English and Spanish. If you would like printed copies of this brochure, contact Lynne Chapman at [email protected] or 563-556-2580, ext. 246.
The Archdiocese of Dubuque recognizes and appreciates the financial contributions of charitable organizations, especially the Knights of Columbus Councils across the Archdiocese. The Knights have generously supported the work of Disability Inclusion ministry through the years, and continue to provide funding for the resources we are able to offer persons with physical and intellectual disabilities in our faith communities. To learn more about the Knights of Columbus and their ministry, click here.