The weekend includes talks on vocational discernment, the consecrated life, and our community’s charisms. During the retreat, guests also join the sisters for Mass, Eucharistic adoration, Liturgy of the Hours, and a time of charismatic prayer. Also included in the weekend are a tour of the motherhouse, time for quiet prayer, recreation, meals with the sisters, a visit to one of our hermitages, share group with the other guests, and an opportunity to meet with a sister one-on-one. For the Vocation Inquiry Form, please visit:
Are you a young woman seeking God’s will in your life? Join the Daughters of St. Paul for Discernment 101, a series of Saturday morning talks, prayer, and fellowship for single Catholic women ages 16-33 looking to grow in relationship with God and discern his call in their lives. Spring 2025 dates are February 15, March 15, April 12, and May 10 from 9:30-11:00 a.m. CT via Zoom. For more details or to register, visit
Is Jesus calling you to religious life? Do you feel him prompting to listen deeper? Or, are you simply curious about religious life and want to see what's it is like? Or do you perhaps need a getaway in this noisy world to strengthen your spiritual life? Wherever you find yourself, if you are a Catholic woman age 18 to 35, you are welcome to come to our in-person, over the weekend, retreat in our provincial house located in Justice, Illinois. Spend some time with the Sisters and other ladies seeking a deeper relationship with Christ, to better hear what it is exactly Jesus is asking of you personally. Do not be afraid! Our God is a God of wonder and surprises! He loves you and wants nothing but your greatness and ultimate holiness. Spend some time seeking God's holy will for your lives. Register here:
“Following Jesus Christ at the example of Saint Francis, they are held to do more and greater things in observing the precepts and counsels of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Rule and Life of the Third Order Regular of Saint Francis. Every soul is called to greatness. As Franciscans we live this call to greatness by humbly imitating Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament. Through prayer, poverty, penance, community life, humility, and external apostolate we seek to do more and greater things for God. We welcome you to spend time learning more about our Franciscan way of life, rooted in the Eucharist. For registration, please visit: or contact Sister Colette Marie, 816-838-1403, or [email protected]
Holy Hour for Vocations at New Melleray Abbey on the 4th Sunday of each month with Adoration at 5:00 pm, Vespers at 5:30 and Benediction immediately following.
Are you attracted by what you see here? Would you like to “come and see”? Coming to visit the monastery, meet the nuns, and experience a little bit of our Dominican monastic vocation is the best way to learn more and see if this life may be God’s plan for you. These weekends are open to a larger number of young women seeking to learn more about our contemplative Dominican vocation. Visitors stay in our guest area outside the cloister, join in our liturgical prayer, Eucharistic Adoration, and Rosary, learn about our life through reading and conversation with the Vocation Directress and other nuns, and have time for silent prayer and reflection.
Do you seek to discern the Lord’s will for your life? Have you considered a vocation to consecrated religious life? We invite any Catholic young adult women 18-35 years old to join us for a Discernment Day on March 1, 2025 in Gainesville, Florida at St. Patrick’s Catholic Church. Join our sisters for a day to encounter Christ’s love in an intentional time of prayer and discernment. For more information please contact Sr. Yve Marie, HMSS at [email protected] before making plans to attend.
These retreats are for young women who are discerning their vocation and desire an experience of religious life to aid their discernment. There will be opportunities for prayer and silence, conferences on a particular retreat theme, and time to be with the sisters and meet others who have an earnest desire for God. These four-day retreats are designed for young women who are discerning their vocation and provide an opportunity for them to explore the life and charism of the Dominican Sisters of St. Cecilia. Those on retreat attend talks on St. Dominic, St. Cecilia, Marian Devotion, discernment and the formation process. Panels on vocations and the apostolate allow retreatants to hear testimonies and ask questions. Retreatants join the Novitiate for recreation, enter into the monastic customs of the community, and go on a tour of several schools of the Congregation. *An interview with the vocation director is necessary before registering for the Vocation Retreat. Space is limited, so please register early. Please reach out to the vocation director at least a month prior to the retreat, if you have not already been in contact with her. Contact Sr. Mara Grace, the vocation director, through the form Please select vocation inquiry as “subject”.
The Benedictine Sisters of Perpetual Adoration invite single women, ages 18 - 40 who are considering religious life, to a Monastic Experience March 8-13, 2025, at their monastery in Clyde, Missouri.
It’s a chance to experience the daily rhythm of monastic life where participants can join the Sisters in praying the divine office, attending daily Mass, spending time in personal prayer and opening their hearts to God's call by learning about discernment and prayer. There is no cost to attend, and more details are available at - Vocations - Walk With Us.
To register, please contact Sr. Maria Victoria at (660) 944-2221 ext. 127 or [email protected].
"Our charism par excellence, besides contemplation, is: going through the streets in simplicity, poverty and competence, to bring souls to the Sacraments, especially Holy Confession and Holy Communion.” Our Community motto: "Ora et Evangeliza" meaning: "Pray and Evangelize." Contemplative Spirituality: founded on the example of Jesus in the Garden of Olives, where He prayed intensely to the Father in order to fulfill the will of God (cf. Luke 22:39-43), and then on that of Mary, Martha’s sister, who in listening to Jesus demonstrated the primacy of listening which was affirmed by Christ Himself (cf. Luke 10:41-42). Itinerant - Active Spirituality: looking to Jesus who goes from town to town (cf. Matt 9:35; Mark 6:6) and sends His disciples to preach the Gospel to every creature (cf. Mark 16:15-16, 20): particularly going out into the streets with frugality (cf. Matt 10:7-10), simplicity (cf. Matt 10:16), and knowledge (cf. John 17:3; 1Cor 13:11; 14:20; 2Pt 1:2).
Wonder what it’s like being a Nun? Interested in Religious Life? We have just the retreat for you! Holy Mass and Time for Prayer Talks by the Nuns Learn about Passionist Life Hang out with the Sisters Make new Friends Hike the Trails and Sit by the Lake *Must be of good physical and psychological health and also a US citizen. For more information and registration, please visit
Please join the Dominican Sisters of Hawthorne at their Motherhouse in Hawthorne, NY at one of their upcoming Come-and-See Weekends or by Zoom for a "Vocation Chat!" 600 Linda Avenue, Hawthorne, NY 10532 MAIN: (914) 769-0114 VOCATIONS: (84
Do you seek to discern the Lord’s will for your life? Have you considered a vocation to consecrated religious life? We invite any Catholic young adult women 18-35 years old to join us for a Discernment Retreat on March 21 - 23, 2025 in Baton Rouge, Louisiana at Cypress Springs Mercedarian Prayer Center. Join our sisters for a weekend to encounter Christ’s love in an intentional time of prayer and discernment. For more information please contact Sr. Heart of Jesus, HMSS at [email protected] before making plans to attend.
Holy Hour for Vocations at New Melleray Abbey on the 4th Sunday of each month with Adoration at 5:00 pm, Vespers at 5:30 and Benediction immediately following.