Date: Thursday, March 20, 2025
Time: 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM
Location: St. Stephen the Witness Student Center, Cedar Falls
Topic: “Listening to God's Voice in Prayer”
Description: This renewal day will explore God’s invitation to us to be in relationship with him through a life of prayer. Communication is a two-way street, so we need to learn how to both talk to God and listen to him. One of the primary ways we can hear God speak to us is through the Scriptures. We will explore how to foster a deeper prayer life and how to hear God's voice through the Scriptures by practicing Lectio Divina. There is always room for growth in our prayer lives as we seek a deeper union with God. Wherever you are at on the journey, this day will help you take the next step to grow closer to the Lord through prayer. The day will include talks by the presenters, time for discussion, the celebration of Mass, lunch, and personal prayer time.
Presenters: Fr. Bob Gross currently serves as the co-pastor of St. Columbkille parish in Dubuque and the spiritual director for the St. John Vianney Seminary in Dubuque. He is also the co-director of the archdiocese's Institute of the Transfiguration spiritual director training program. Fr. Gross has a passion for helping others grow in their life of prayer. He will present on ways to foster our prayer lives and will preside at Mass.
Matt Selby is the Director of Adult and Marriage Formation for the archdiocese, including being the co-director of the Institute of the Transfiguration spiritual director training program. Matt has been married to Anna since 2011 and they have five boys. He developed a love and passion for the Scriptures while being raised as an evangelical Protestant and has grown in appreciation and understanding of Scripture since becoming Catholic. He will be presenting on Lectio Divina.
Cost: $40 per person
If the cost is prohibitive, Faith Formation Leaders may apply for financial assistance. To learn more about FFL Professional Development Assistance, click here.
To register, please complete the form below by March 7, 2025. If you would like to register for the entire Dive Deeper four-part series (of which this day functions as a part), CLICK HERE.
For questions, contact: Matt Selby at [email protected] or 563-556-2580, ext. 233
Take time away during the season of Lent for personal renewal!