God has given spiritual gifts, called charisms, to all baptized Christians (see 1 Corinthians 12:1-31). We are called to discover which gifts God has given us and discern how to effectively and joyfully use those gifts for the strengthening of the Church.
The Archdiocese of Dubuque's Joyfully Gifted Charism Discernment program is designed to help Catholics through this process of discovery and discernment. The program includes a one-day retreat (typically from 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM), a four-week daily journal that can be used for personal reflection and weekly small group processing, and other resources for discerning spiritual gifts. The program is very adaptable to various settings. There is also a youth version that can be used for high school students, especially during preparation for Confirmation. To inquire about bringing the program to your parish, please contact the Adult Formation department. To review the materials, click on the buttons below. To order print copies of the materials, complete the form.