St. Junipero Serra (July 1); St. Thomas the Apostle (July 3); St. Elizabeth of Portugal (July 4); St. Anthony Mary Zaccaria (July 5); St. Maria Goretti (July 6); St. Benedict ((July 11); Ss. Louis and Zelie Martin (July 12); St. Henry (July 13); St. Kateri Tekakwitha (July 14); St. Bonaventure (July 15); St. Camillus de Lellis (July 18); St. Apollinarius (July 20); St. Lawrence of Brindisi (July 21); St. Mary Magdalene (July 22); St. Bridget of Sweden (July 23); St. Sharbel Makhluf (July 24); St. Christopher (July 24); St. James the Greater (July 25); Ss. Joachim and Anne (July 26); St. Beatrice of Rome (July 29); Ss. Lazarus, Martha and Mary of Bethany (July 29); St. Ignatius of Loyola (July 31)
July 1 – St. Junípero Serra
St. Junípero Serra is a Great American Hero who promoted the life and teachings of the Catholic Church throughout his whole life. The son of a farmer, his missionary service and hard work helped to bring crops and livestock to Native Americans in California. Learn more here!
July 3 - St. Thomas the Apostle
St. Thomas was one of the twelve apostles, and one of the first witnesses to the faith. While he was slow to believe that Christ had gloriously risen, he later exclaimed, "My Lord and my God!" May we, too, recognize Jesus as our Risen Lord!
July 6 – St. Maria Goretti
Maria was brutally attacked by a man named Alessandro, who stabbed Maria many times. The day after surgery, Maria showed great mercy and forgave Alessandro and said she wanted to see him in heaven with her. Maria died that day while looking at an image of the Blessed Mother and holding a cross. After her death, Alessandro had a dream in which Maria gave him lilies. He awoke as a changed man. He repented and begged for the forgiveness of Maria’s family. When Maria was declared a saint, Alessandro was present to celebrate her canonization. Maria is the patroness of purity.
July 11 – St. Benedict
Benedict’s name means “blessed.” After years of prayer, Benedict gathered a group of monks (along with his sister, St Scholastica), and they founded a monastic tradition whose motto was “Ora et labora,” which means “Pray and work.” In addition to studying the scriptures, the rules set for the order became known as the Rule of St. Benedict. This “Rule” can be applied to the family, too! He is the patron saint of students.
July 12 - Ss. Louis and Zelie Martin
Saints Louis and Zelie were the parents of St. Therese of Lisieux. During their lives, marriage, and raising their family, Louis and Zelie knew great joy and deep sorrow. They firmly believed that God was with them throughout every challenge that married life, parenting, and their occupations presented. They are the patron saints for Matrimony.
July 14 – St. Kateri Tekakwitha
St. Kateri is the first Native American to be recognized as a saint by the Catholic Church. Despite many hardships, Kateri had the support of a good mother, helpful priests, and Christian friends. She converted to Catholicism at age 19, and took a vow of chastity, pledging to marry only Jesus Christ. Kateri’s last words were, “Jesus, I love you.” Pray this prayer to St. Kateri. She is the patroness of the environment.
July 15 – St. Bonaventure
St. Bonaventure is known for his leadership of the Franciscans and his contributions to theology and philosophy. Because of this, he is known as a Doctor of the Church. Bonaventure spent many hours in prayer and contemplation.
July 22 - St. Mary Magdalene
Mary Magdalene is one of the greatest saints of the New Testament. She was a woman who traveled with Jesus as one of his first disciples. Mary Magdalene was present at the foot of the Cross, and was the first person to witness to Jesus' resurrection. She is the patron saint of converts. Pray for continual conversion and happiness with this prayer.
July 25 - St. James the Apostle
St. James (sometimes known as James the Greater) and his brother John were fisherman called by Jesus to be his apostles. The are sometimes called the Sons of Thunder. James witnessed the Transfiguration, the raising of Jairus' daughter, and the Agony of Jesus at Gethsemane.
July 26 – Saints Joachim and Anne, the parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Joachim and Anne served as role models for parents, and are honored for their devotion to God and to Mary. View a video about this saintly couple, who were the grandparents of Jesus. Celebrate Ss. Joachim and Anne with a Feast Dinner! Learn more here. Saints Joachim and Anne are the patron saints of grandparents.
July 31 – St Ignatius of Loyola
Ignatius had a reputation as a well-known warrior. In one battle, he was struck by a cannonball, and his legs were badly injured. While he healed, Ignatius had a conversion of heart. He began to read books about Christ and the lives of the saints, and his prayer life deepened. He began a new way of life, and followed God’s will for him. He gave away his possessions, begged for food, and practiced spiritual exercises, recording everything in a journal. This helped him to better understand God, and in turn he educated others in the faith. He accepted the role as leader of the Society of Jesus. Before his death, he had established 35 schools. St. Ignatius is the patron of soldiers and educators.
July is dedicated to the Precious Blood of Jesus.
The early Church Fathers say that the Church was born from the pierced side of Christ, and that the sacraments were brought forth through His Blood. Pray these prayers, a Litany, or a Chaplet to the Precious Blood of Jesus.
July 16 - Our Lady of Mt. Carmel
Learn about the significance of the scapular, a sacramental presented by our Blessed Mother to St. Simon Stock. Read about how your family can wear the scapular as a sign of your love for Our Lady, and about why St. John Paul II considered the scapular a Treasure For the Church.
From the Archdiocese of Dubuque Pinterest Boards:
Check out these July Pinterest topics focused on the family - the Domestic Church!