November is National Adoption Month
The Catholic Church recognizes the beauty of adoption as a reflection of God the Father adopting us as his children. This month is a perfect opportunity to share the joy and gift of adoption. Check out these adoption resources, inspiring articles, and stories about adoption and foster care.
November 1 - All Saints Day
The Feast of All Saints Day is a solemnity and a holy day of obligation. Host an All Saints Day party and dress up like your favorite saint! Play a Saints Matching Game and other All Saints Day Games! Begin a family prayer tradition by researching the Saint of the Day. Gather as a family to enjoy activities, reflections and stories about the Saints. Watch this video. Make some All Saints Day holiday treats!
November 2 – All Souls Day: Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed
Pray for the Faithful Departed during the month of November. Take your family to a cemetery to pray for the Faithful Departed on All Souls Day or sometime in November. Learn about the connected indulgence here. Learn more about the fasting and feasting during Hallowtide (All Hallows’ Eve, All Saints Day, and All Souls Day), and try some new recipes!
National Vocation Awareness Week
There are four vocational states in life through which the faithful may sanctify themselves: the priesthood, the religious (consecrated) life, Holy Matrimony (Marriage), and dedicated single life. National Vocation Awareness Week is a celebration of the Catholic Church to promote vocations to the priesthood, diaconate, and consecrated life through prayer and education, and to renew our prayers and support to those who are discerning a religious vocation. Find promotional resources here. Enjoy this coloring page, and foster vocations in your family.
November 9 - Dedication of the Lateran Basilica
This feast day celebrates the dedication of the oldest and highest ranking of the four major basilicas in Rome.
Reflect on the history of this beautiful church, and on how the scriptures for this Mass honor the feast day.
November 21 - Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Today marks a significant event in the life of Mary. We celebrate that Mary was consecrated to God, that God chose to dwell in Mary in a very special way, and that by being the mother of Jesus, she placed her whole self at the service of God. Pray this Novena, and learn more about the Presentation of Mary in the temple here.
Thanksgiving Day
This day is set aside to thank God for all his blessings. Check out these prayer ideas. Celebrate the fruits of the harvest, and enjoy holiday foods and feasts! Start a family gratitude journal or introduce a new tradition. Celebrate Thanksgiving throughout the entire month of November! Enjoy a craft or fun activity, check out the Pinterest boards,
Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
Jesus is the King of Kings. What is the meaning of this title? Watch this video from Catholic Kids Media, and this video from Real Life Catholic. Learn more here. Say a special prayer, or pray this novena. Prepare a feast, a royal dinner fit for a king, a cookie crown cake, or simple cupcake crowns. Enjoy a fun craft, play a game, or check out these activities.
November 27 – Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal
Read about the story of the devotion of the Miraculous Medal. Learn this feast day, about a special prayer for wearing the medal, and it’s unique design. Pray the Miraculous Medal Novena. Watch this video, and learn about the relevance of the Miraculous Medal today.
From the Archdiocese of Dubuque Pinterest Boards:
Check out these November Pinterest topics focused on the family - the Domestic Church!