K-8 Religion Curriculum Guide for Catholic Schools and Parish Faith Formation Programs*
Use the links below to navigate through the Essential Learnings for each of the four goals. Or, if you prefer, printable versions are available using the following links:
Goal 1: Students form a knowledge and appreciation of the sense of the Church and of the fundamentals of Catholic teaching.
Essential Learning A: Acknowledge that the fundamental teachings of the Catholic Church are set forth in the Creed.
Essential Learning B: Comprehend the life of Jesus, which is made known through the Scriptures.
Essential Learning C: Understand the significance of the Virgin Mary in Catholic teaching as well as the lives of the saints.
Essential Learning D: Comprehend how the Catholic Church was founded and how spreading the Good News is a primary task of the Church.
Goal 2: Students form the beginnings of a spiritual life experienced through the liturgy and sacraments within the Catholic community.
Essential Learning A: Participate in the liturgical life of the Catholic Church including practices, rituals and prayers as a way of becoming closer to Jesus.
Essential Learning B: Understand that sacraments are celebrated as visible signs of God’s love.
Essential Learning C: Recognize the meaning of the Eucharist and realize that participating in the Eucharist is important as the core belief that unites all Catholics.
Goal 3: Students recognize that as Catholics, by virtue of Baptism, they are called to life in Christ.
Essential Learning A: Comprehend the meaning of the Beatitudes and of the Ten Commandments, which serve as a guide to conscience formation.
Essential Learning B: Be familiar with Catholic Social Justice Teaching and discern how to apply such teachings to life and serving others.
Essential Learning C: Understand how the grace of God is present in everyday life.
Essential Learning D: Acknowledge that we should be good stewards of the world around us and we are called to spread the Good News of Christ through evangelization.
Goal 4: Students participate in all forms of prayer, both personal and communal, and understand how the study of Scripture can impact one’s journey of faith.
Essential Learning A: Know how important it is to enter into a personal relationship with Christ.
Essential Learning B: Understand the significance of prayer and value the traditions of prayer and the many ways of praying.
Essential Learning C: Comprehend how to read Sacred Scripture and be able to integrate Scripture into one’s prayer life.
Essential Learning D: Understand how significant Scripture study can be in lifelong faith formation.
* Safe Environment Curriculum and Human Sexuality Curriculum are not referred to in this guide as they are separate curricula to be specifically taught according to AFFC & ACSB policies.
*The Archdiocese of Dubuque is grateful to the Diocese of Joliet for their permission to use their materials in developing this curriculum.
You can click on the links below to find the Prayers, Beliefs, and Practices in English or Spanish
Prayer, Beliefs and Practices 01052015