The Permanent Diaconate Office provides education and formation on the role of the Permanent Deacon. Within the Christian community the deacon is particularly called to a ministry of service and presence. The deacon is to call others to shared responsibility and shared ministry.
He is further called to facilitate the ministry of others so that the priests are freed for their presidential and sacramental roles. He accomplishes this through his ministry of service, whether it be a ministry of Charity, the Word or the Liturgy.
Deacon Jorgensen, on the occasion of the fifteenth anniversary of the diaconate in the Archdiocese noted that “Diaconate ministry is not ours to possess. It is a ministry which has been given to us in trust, to share generously and without reservation with the whole church. It is a trust through which deacons model, symbolize, and exemplify what all the baptized – ordained and non-ordained – are called to be and do. We ultimately possess only what we are willing to give up and share with others.”